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1942. Guadalcanal. A japánok minden négyzetcentimétert fanatikus elszántsággal védenek.
Az amerikai katonák szigetről- szigetre haladnak, irtózatos veszteségek árán kell megszerezniük a stratégiai fontosságú területet.
A paradicsomi szépségű, buja dzsungelnövényzettel borított szigetek lángoló pokollá válnak. Egy tengerészgyalogos egység partra száll, és elindul, hogy megszerezzen egy magaslatot.
Hősiesség és gyávaság, félelem és hihetetlen vakmerőség keveredik bennük. Vizük elfogyott, erejük fogytán. Ott álnak a pokol kapujában, és tudják, élve vagy holtan, de be kell lépniük.

Based on the novel by James Jones, THE THIN RED LINE tells the story of a group of men, an Army Rifle company called C-for-Charlie, who change, suffer and
ultimately make essential discoveries about themselves during the fierce World War II battle of Guadalcanal. The story takes place as Army troops are moved in to
relieve battle-weary Marine units. It follows their journey, from the surprise of an unopposed landing, through the bloody and exhausting battles that follow, to the
ultimate departure of those who survived.

The story is more than a tale of men fighting a key battle, one which would ultimately stem the Japanese advance through the Pacific Islands. It explores the intense
bonds that develop between men under terrible stress, even evil; to Jones, who served with an Army unit in Guadalcanal, the soldiers' feelings and emotions
developed into nothing less than a sense of love...of family. The horrors of war helped them lose their idea of self and of the world around them. They were no
longer fighting solely for patriotic reasons or the larger world and its issues which had brought them there; they were fighting for survival and for the men next to them.